Climate and Race

Climate Change is Racist

Race, Privilege and the Struggle for Climate Justice

Out now from Icon Books

When we talk about racism, we often mean personal prejudice or institutional biases. Climate change isn’t racist in that way. It is structurally racist, disproportionately caused by majority White people in majority White countries, with the damage faced overwhelmingly by people of colour. The climate crisis reflects and reinforces racial injustices. 

In this eye-opening book, writer and environmental activist Jeremy Williams takes us on a short, urgent journey across the globe – from Kenya to India, the USA to Australia – to understand how White privilege and climate change overlap. We’ll look at the environmental facts, hear the experiences of the people most affected on our planet and learn from the activists leading the change. 

It’s time for each of us to find our place in the global struggle for justice.


Further reading – books, articles and podcasts on climate and race

Frequently asked questions – and submit your own questions.

Supporting graphics – for use in presentations, etc.

Discussion questions – resources for book groups.

Inspiration – five foundational ideas behind the book.

Press – reviews and articles related to the book.

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